In week 10, we mainly learn about some effective theories to evaluate multimedia and multimedia tools. Sometimes, teachers need to combine with several theories to determine if a specific multimedia is the most cost-effect.

Bates (2019) proposes SECTIONS, which refers to students, ease of use, costs, teaching functions, interaction, organizational issues, networking, and security and privacy. It is a rather comprehensive teaching system includes the technology and educational environment. Teachers would access the technology about its advantages or disadvantages before class. After accessing the technology, teachers would implement it to make the class most effective for students.

Mishra & Koehler (2006) illustrate TRACK model, which refers to technological, pedagogical and content, knowledge. It emphasizes on students’ understanding of knowledge and describes some effective pedagogical practice in technology-enhanced learning environments. This model is more likely related to formal K-12 classrooms.

From my perspective, both these two models enable teachers to identify suitable technological ways to evaluate multimedia. TRACK model lays more emphasis on teaching knowledge with appropriate technological and pedagogical methods, while SECTIONS is more like a checklist for teachers to access and implement the technology they used in the class.

In week 11, we mainly focus on how to use multimedia in the in-class activities to boost active learning. Active learning is an educational approach that encourages students to engage with and take responsibility for their own learning. Active learning can increase student engagement, motivation, and retention. I am very impressed by Bloom’s Taxonomy, which breaks students’ cognitive processes in six levels, respectively remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. It reminds me of the lesson plan draft. I actually follow these six levels to improve students’ active learning. Firstly, I ask students the meaning of the moon and how a star moves to check if they remember the vocabulary. Secondly, I ask students to define the vocabularies in their own words in order to check their understanding. Thirdly, I invite students to apply what they have learnt, such as finding examples and performing the scenes. Fourthly, I ask students to outline the features of the phases of the moon and make a brief chart, to practice their analyzing ability. Fifthly, I ask students what they would recommend for the contents to evaluate if they master the knowledge. Sixthly, I allow students design a creative vocabulary notebook in groups. I strongly believe that Bloom’s Taxonomy provides teachers with a guide for creating lesson plans that address different levels of thinking and learning, and helps students develop critical thinking skills.

In addition, I also access to some examples of multimedia to support active learning, such as Energy 3D, Pressbooks, Discord and so on. Among all of them, I am interested in H5P most. It is convenient for teachers to develop various media content, including quizzes, presentations, games and so on. Also, there are a range of templates and teachers can customize according to students’ level and interests. I tried to create one institutional image to guide students. However, when exploring H5P, I still have many questions. I wonder if it’s possible to just build a plain HTML page with the H5P functionality built in, then upload it as a standalone learning object within the LMS. In the future, I can spend more time studying the tool of H5P and try to make it a positive tool to promote active learning.


Bates, T. (2019). Teaching in a Digital Age – Models for media selection.

Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A framework for integrating technology in teachers’ knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108 (6), 1017–1054